
This web site along with my Personal Philosophy is intended to be a source of inspiration. I hope these tidbits of my life’s journey will serve as an inspiration to all who read them, and that my experience in business and in life will benefit others by helping them bring clarity of purpose and align others’ outside perception to their inside reality.

Your comments and debates are welcome as long as you remain civil. I sincerely hope others will benefit from my musings and postings on this site.

My Own Philosophy:

I love life and especially enjoy making new friends all over the world. I would like to share my basic philosophy with you here. This philosophy drives me in all my endeavors personally and professionally.

I believe that awareness doesn’t begin when we are born into this world, but has no beginning and no end. I believe each of us created our own set of circumstances in this experience we call “life”.  Each of us has our own unique journey that is designed by us to experience every moment in a way that ultimately brings us back to the awareness of being one with all that exists.

Human behavior is generally a projection of beliefs instilled in each of us beginning from approximately age two, when we first become sentient, and awareness begins to grow. We then learn from family, friends, schools and life experiences. After age 7 our belief systems are mostly set, and if they are based on fiction the journey will be filled with conflict until the day we learn to let go of false beliefs and become aware of who we truly are.

Whole Brain Living

One of the clearest explanations about the human brain and how it functions is by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, in her book “Whole Brain Living”. She helps us understand how our brain can be broken down into four characters. Until this explanation I always believed from other sources that we were only 3 characters – beginning with my early religious teachings about “The Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. This was reinforced when studying non-Christian religions and other philosophers. With this new view from Dr. Taylor, and the knowledge gained from the study of Quantum Physics, I have changed my view. The fourth character, described by Dr. Taylor, as right-brain thinking is actually a direct connection to Source Energy  inside each of our own physical bodies. Sadly, we are taught and “conditioned” from age two until around age 8 to forget, deny and disbelieve that connection, and replace it with anything but the truth.

Relationships are an integral part of my physical journey in this lifetime. I once believed the only thing I can take with me when I leave this plane (when my body dies) are the memories of relationships I have developed in this lifetime. These relationships include people, animals and places I visit and live. I have changed that belief because I am now aware that memories are part of our human experience. Those specific memories die when our body dies. When the brain dies we realize we are only Source Energy. I now believe every one of us has the power to communicate directly with Source Flow Energy at any time. This means we can call upon those who have died and connect with Source Energy to have conscious communication with them, and learn from that pool of memory. To activate this energy we simply need to learn skills to bring those memories into our own reality. We are always connected to Source Flow Energy, which means we are all connected to each other on that level. This is what makes the words spoken of by Jesus the Christ, “I AM”, completely clear to me.

This thinking drives me to be continuously learning how to make my relationships be the best they can be. I am working every hour of every day to let go of all expectations. That’s NOT an easy task! If I have no expectations, then I can’t be hurt by anyone or anything – and I can accept all things and all people as they are and love them unconditionally. I know it may seem like that belief may prevent one from striving to improve, but in my case that doesn’t work. I strive to become the most genuine and loving person I can be every day of my life. A daily question to myself is “How may I best serve my fellow human beings?”

Out of My Control

This extends to the belief that the only thing I can control in my universe is how I react to my surroundings – and, that what comes to me, in any form, was invited/created by me for the purpose of learning and growing into a person who loves unconditionally – And by so doing, bring healing and peace into this time and space from our infinite universal Source.

The path I have chosen has been an interesting evolution for me – filled with interesting and beautiful relationships. I have gone from Christian to studies of all major religions and have landed as an Agnostic Atheist. When I am asked what I believe today I respond with these beliefs:

Who is Source?

What if the Source of all creation, no matter how we perceive it, is unconditional love. Source cannot judge because there is no duality with Source. There is no beginning or end, no good or bad/evil; No right or wrong; No heaven or hell outside of this timeline in which we have chosen to live for this moment in Eternity.

Most religions create a name for this Source (God, Allah, Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh, Brahman and Aum). Others use lesser-god names to break down different parts of the “one God” (names like: Jesus, Vishnu, Ganesha, Shiva, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, and many others). These all fall short of Source, because Source is not an entity – it is a flow of energy from which all things exist in eternity. Even the use of “Universe” is a finite thing, and therefore is not sufficient to describe Source.

I believe that a religion is simply one person’s interpretation of the source of unconditional love, whose interpretation is adopted, believed and followed by more than one person.

Any time a religion specifies how one must behave in order to reach Source it simply reinforces the false-belief that we are separate from Source.

We are all connected to Source at all times – It is only our perception that we are separated. THAT perception is all that keeps us away from Source’s continuous flow of abundance in all its forms (including happiness, peacefulness, relationships, health and even commerce/money).

We are all striving on some level to bring back what we have been taught to forget about Source, and there is no right or wrong way to bring back that clean connection. All of them are valid to help bring full awareness into our lives.

When we come to understand that time, as most of us perceive it, is not reality; then we will wake up with a fully restored understanding of Source. Terms used by many are “Transcendent”, and “Awakened”.

Navigating Life

As long as we believe our purpose in this life is to change what we perceive is a conflict to what we think is “right” – in any way – we will struggle. For many, that desire and belief is so strong that struggle becomes suffering and pain. When we become aware that acceptance of all that we perceive was created by ourselves, we become free from the desire to change it. The result of that awareness and acceptance brings with it peace beyond measure. All people, places and things become beautiful and we feel unconditional love for everything we perceive.

In fact, I am you, and you are me. Whatever else we perceive outside of that, which causes us to put labels on it is just that – A perception of a moment in TIME. The only choice we have is how we decide to experience it. These thoughts and feelings help me navigate through the perceived chaos dancing around me every day.

If we choose to believe anything else to be truth – then, there are experiences we designed before we came into this life-time that are yet to surprise us until our awareness brings us to the conclusion that there is no time at all.

When our body (this shell of perception) dies, all that is left is Source Energy. We wake up to full awareness and understand that we were never separate from each other at all.

It has sometimes been difficult for me to see how polarized relationships have been for me because of my beliefs, but I have remained consistent in my desire and drive throughout this lifetime. I know that I will continue to evolve until the veil that hides my awareness from Source is completely lifted. I know this will eventually happen as long as I keep my focus on striving to love everyone unconditionally.

I have experienced the loss many family and friends to death. I feel their presence when I think of them. I also have living friends and family who are as close with me today as they were more than 50 years ago. Also,  dear friends who have come and gone from my day-to-day life, but I still love them as deeply today as I did when we first met. I have gratitude for the experiences we have shared. I have experienced sadness when they leave my day-to-day life, but always have respect for their need to focus on what they believe to be best for their journey. I’m always prepared to welcome our meeting again whenever the opportunity presents itself – And when it does, it seems to me that no time has passed at all since our last meeting – No matter how long it’s been.

Total Awareness

I believe we are all on a life-journey to learn how to be fully aware of Source Energy and how connected we are to everything in it. I remind myself throughout each day that I am simply an observer and student of the experiences each moment brings. The conversation my sister was having with my mother the morning my mother left her body and this life behind epitomizes her teachings and have so richly blessed me all my life. She said, “Enjoy every moment!”. When frustrations come my way, I work to let go of the feeling of frustration and focus on loving whatever event is occurring and remind myself that I am to observe the experience and ask, “What did I intend to learn from this?” – I am learning to treasure even those moments that may seem negative at the time of the experience.

I consider myself blessed and rich on many levels – Not the least of which is the large number of people I consider to be my friends. I have close friends and family I see on a regular basis as well as friends I have never met in the flesh. They are all beautiful to me, and my experiences with each of them brings me more happiness than I could have ever imagined. May YOU become one of those rich blessings in my life!
