Physical vs. Energetic Manipulation of DNA, A Case Study

By National Institutes of Health –, Public Domain,
I just watched a PBS broadcast about Epigenetics by Nova. It compelled me to write a personal case study on physical vs. energetic manipulation of DNA. This study is about how I was able to follow techniques taught by Margaret Ruby in her book, The DNA of Healing. You can watch the PBS broadcast on Epigenetics here:
How What We Intend Appears Whether We Like It Or Not!
In August of 2008, I sustained a back injury that left me so completely disabled I thought it would be better to be dead than to feel the intense, acute pain I was suffering! No, I didn’t contemplate suicide – that is foolish, but I did wonder why a person would have to suffer pain so intense it caused me to black out and then to dream about the torture pounding on-and-on-and-on-and-on.
How The Story Goes…
I was on a trip away from home for week in Florida on business. The afternoon of my first day, August 17, 2008, I was off-loading my 20lb pack from my shoulder to put it in the car, and twisted in such a way that I felt a little twinge in my upper back. It wasn’t the first time I had felt a twinge like that so I didn’t give it a second thought.
The morning of the second day of my 5 day trip I woke to the alarm and as I turned to stop the alarm a pain shot through my back and right shoulder that make me scream. It was like someone had stabbed a red-hot knife in my back and was twisting it. The pain was so intense it made me weep! I couldn’t move, I honestly thought I was going to die – I thought it may be a heart attack or some other serious end to the world. (I know this sounds dramatic, but the pain was indescribably intense).
After a hot shower, and some light exercises I felt may do some good, I dressed (painfully) and headed to work. The client I was visiting was different than most of my other clients, in that the CEO of the company and her VP and chief operating officer have a similar philosophy about life to mine. I shared with the COO that I was in some intense pain, and he suggested that a person in the company who practices massage therapy come to my aid. He also called his wife, who practices Reiki, to send some healing and pain relieving energy to me.
After the massage and the energy I could actually feel from the Reiki from both the COOs wife and the CEO, add some Ibuprofen, and although I was still in pain, felt well enough to finish out the morning. After noon I decided to go buy some stronger OTC meds (aspirin, Aleve, and more Motrin). I self medicated and tried meditation and exercises through the day, and in the evening the CEO offered to take me to a recommended healer who uses Reiki and massage. It was an intense session for him and me, and in the end I didn’t feel much relief, but felt strongly I was on the right track for finding the way to heal the pain.
Another Day – More Pain
The next morning I was in more pain than the day before. The CEO was so gracious and kind and suggested I try her Chiropractor, so she took me there and he said I was out of alignment in my 3rd rib. He made the usual CRACKING adjustments, which intensified the pain to a level that nearly made me pass out. He suggested ice packs and sold me one that I could reuse. I was back in bed for the day,
In the evening I was invited to dinner with my client and a group of people who were all holistic healers. We had a most marvelous dinner on the beach with wine and good company and weather that was so beautiful and romantic. They all practiced their forms of spiritual healing for me and this ridiculous pain. Toward the end of the dinner they could see I was still in intense pain, so as they took me home we stopped to get some heavy duty pain meds (Percocet). Taking that medication was the first time since the beginning of this incident I got any relief at all, and actually slept most of the night.
The next morning the CEO took me to her massage therapist (another healer) who used acupuncture – It did relieve the pain for most of the morning, but by the afternoon I was in the same shape (lots of pain). This was Thursday, so I headed to a hotel near the airport, and between the medications and a bottle of 2004 Staggs Leap Petit Syrah, I got a good night’s sleep. The trip home was bearable because the flight attendant made ice packs for me all the way home, and I drank scotch to self-medicate myself into oblivion. I was so inebriated I couldn’t drive home, so I ended up staying in the hotel at the Sacramento Airport to sober up.
Adverse Drug Interaction
On Sunday, again in so much pain I was unable to sleep and was going crazy, Jim took me to the Kaiser emergency room. I was able to see a doctor who ordered X-Rays and gave me a prescription muscle relaxer (Flexeril) and pain medication (Darvocet). He also ordered a 1-week course of Prednisone. I remembered how prednisone made me feel when I had taken it to get over a bout with poison oak a few years before. However I thought I would try ANYTHING to get out of this pain, so I followed the orders. I felt mentally numb, but was still in a great deal of pain.
To complicate matters, I have had a history of higher than normal blood pressure. I have been on many BP meds and was currently on two of them (Lisinopril + Hydrochlorothiazimide). With the additional pain meds my pressure was off the charts, even with the BP meds. It was hovering at (150+/120+) range, so my doctor added another drug, Amlodipine; and at the same time changed the Flexeril to Baclofen (muscle relaxer), and for pain OxyCodone (generic for Percocet). I was finally getting enough pain relief to sleep, but my BP was all over the place. Up and down.
Of course this crazy cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs had some terrible side-effects. In the 3rd week after an intense deep tissue massage on my back to help relax the muscles, I had a BP crash (83/60). The advice nurse at Kaiser wanted me to call 911, but instead I had Jim take me to the ER again. After a night of observation and blood tests, they determined that the problem was dehydration due to the diuretic in the BP meds, so the ER doc took me off the Hydrochlorothiazimide and sent me home at 1:00 am.
After more than a week of monitoring my BP and finding it was still high (145/110 range), I decided to just stop all the meds completely and start over later.
Almost immediately the BP dropped to an average of 130/90. (Which has been my normal BP since I was 26 years of age).
The X-Rays revealed vertebrae closer to each other than normal so I asked for an MRI/Cat Scan of my spinal column. This revealed two herniated discs between C6/C7 in the cervical spine, and between T3/T4 in the thoracic spine. The cervical hernia was putting pressure on my spinal nerves, which resulted in numbness in my right hand.
A Non Traditional Solution
I think I’ve shared enough to give you a clear picture of the physical issues, so on with the solution!
In week 2 of this catastrophic event, I decided to re-read the book my good friend Lew Brown gave me, entitled “The DNA of Healing” by Margaret Ruby. He gave me the reference for the book when my cataract issue came up in Sept. of 2007, and I “breezed” through it, but didn’t actually practice the healing procedures because the surgery was scheduled for a week after I acquired the book.
After reading the book, I decided to put into practice the specific recommendations of the book. I discovered the following:
- The physical problem I was experiencing was a result of inherited DNA memory from an ancestor on my Father’s-Father’s side of the family 42 to 50 generations ago.It was a presentation of physical problem that would diffuse the REAL problem of feeling rejected/unsupported by those closest to you.
- The emotion that resurrects this physical pain is related to feeling unsupported, and shows up as anger or intense reprimand.
- Then I found that the first time it presented itself in my physical life today is 1962.This is the year we moved to Washington (Tacoma) because of the “Bay of Pigs” incident (see history). I felt alone and lost. Being blessed with unusually large ears compared to my classmates, I was called names like “Dumbo the Elephant” by my peers. This made me feel alone and on my own as I walked to school each day. Even my teachers were unsupportive, and because of my newness in with my classmates I felt UNSUPPORTED in most every aspect of my life.
- This feeling of being unsupported was obvious and intense again in Jr. High School, when my English teacher grabbed a sentimental letter I was writing to my maternal grandmother, Madeleine, and read it in front of the class as an example of inattention and bad behavior.
- The emotion can be replaced with love and understanding and self-support, and that the DNA memory of that ancestor from all those generations ago, can be changed, and healing begin.
Within only two weeks of meditation to “replace” the memory in my DNA, my Kaiser physical therapist said, “I don’t know what you’re doing but KEEP DOING IT.” She is in her 50s, and has clearly been doing her work for many years. The therapist also said, “In my entire career no one with the injury you have sustained has made so much healing progress as I see in you in such a short time.” – She indicated that to heal from such an injury took three to six months with intense physical therapy, and that some people never fully recover to normal functioning.
At the 4th week after the injury I was no longer taking any pain medication, and have been completely pain free since. I still have some residual numbness in my right middle and ring finger that is more intense at some times than others, but the physical therapist said it could be up to 18 months for that to completely go away after such an injury.
I continue to meditate on it, and have also adopted a routine of Yoga stretching exercises that seem to be helping me too.
A footnote to this is that I have been monitoring my blood pressure each day, and it stays a little higher than normal (they call it borderline), so it will be next issue to repair using this method.
Physical vs. Energetic Manipulation of DNA
So, how does the “DNA of Healing” compare with the broadcast I saw today about Epigenetics?
The Nova broadcast on Epigenetics is a recent scientific discovery about how genetic code can be altered by “epigenetics” – these are proteins that turn on or turn off certain genes which seem to be the root cause of disease. They studied twins over many generations (ages 2 to 76), and discovered that behavioral and physical differences in identical twins as they grew older, and how synchrony grows apart is a result of epigenetic differences. These can be expressed through foods, behaviors (nurturing from mother and family members), and outside influences from society. They are actually using drugs that turn on healing properties in genes to heal cancers that were once incurable because of this discovery.
What this scientific study and presentation did for me was to confirm that the teachings of Margaret Ruby, and others like her, have been right on the mark for many years! The “DNA of Healing” is a method of affecting genes through epigenetics using energetic methods (meditation, behavior modification, etc.) rather than physical methods (drugs, radiation, etc).
We have been moving into a new age for some time, but it seems to me knowledge that was once thought to be faith-based and mythical is now being supported by science more rapidly than ever in our known history.
I hope that my case study serves to help others who wish to change their lives both physically and energetically using these techniques.
January 3, 2021: In reading this post from 2008, over 12 years ago, I have learned much more about healing I wish to share. In fact, holistic healing is my primary focus these days. Using several tools I assist others in healing illness. These tools include energetic and physical therapies. I have learned how connected everything is in my world, and strive to learn more each day. It is very rewarding to use what I learn to help others.
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