HomeHealthRepeating Life-Lessons


Repeating Life-Lessons — 1 Comment

  1. I see that back when originally wrote this post I never followed up with how things went. The surgery was successful, and because I caught it early there was almost 8 months less recovery time than the first surgery. I now have 20/20 vision without corrective lenses and I’m grateful for my eyesight. Looking back over the 5+ years since the surgery the life-lesson is very clear. My lesson was to change the direction I was headed and become a Happiness Ambassador and work to help everyone learn the keys to live happy so that we can change the world. I see a world where everyone is happy and enjoying every moment. In the absence of fear there is only unconditional love so violence, war, and conflict of any kind simply disappear. We have all become observers of this life-experience and learn from everything we create along the way – and truly ENJOY EVERY MOMENT.

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